The aim of the course is to intruduce the students to those interpretative instruments of society, politics, law and history from a perspective both macro and micri, historical and contemporary. The instructors will use “gender” as the primary category of analysis of society, politics, history and law. “Gender”, as an interpretative category, has been introduced by Joan Scott in order to underline the awarness of the social and cultural constructions of the fifferences between the sexes, beginning from the position of subjectivity in a sexuated world. An important aim will be to fill a gap in knowledge in order to comprehend assumptions behind deeply modes of thoughts that continue to affect women’s and men’s life in significant ways.
21810544 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Elective activities
- Women's conditions in ancient Greece: Plato and the queens philosophers - At the roots of misoginy: Aristotle - Niccolò Machiavelli through the interpretative category of gender - Proto-feminism in Venice during the XVIIth century - Mary Wollstonecraft and Elizabeth Cady Stanton - Contemporary feminism: equality and sexual difference.
(reference books)
Readings given by the professor
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
With the introduction of the gender category, historical reflection has shifted from a specific social group - women - to a more inclusive approach attentive to the relationships between men and women, to the ways in which their respective identities have been constructed and the masculine represented and the feminine both on a social and cultural level. Through the historical approach, this first module (which will be followed by those held by Prof. Anna Simone and then Prof. Roberta Modugno) looks at the strategies implemented by women's movements to combat female oppression and at crucial passages such as wars, totalitarian regimes and at the measures adopted by them to redefine social and demographic policies, roles and balance of power between genders.
(reference books)
On the Moodle platform, the teacher has made available to students who enroll in the course the handouts relating to the lessons on which the oral tests will focus.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
The second module will offer more specific tools, i.e. the analysis of the symbolic, cultural and legal function of the contribution of feminist studies in relation to law, deviance and power. In particular, the relationship between the Thought of Sexual Difference and the doctrine of Juridical Experience will be investigated, both at a theoretical level and in the practices carried out in trials, as well as the concept of “Juridical Feminism” applied to the main themes of the present time: equality/difference; citizenship/borders; criminology/delinquency/security; justice/law/rights; gender/sexuality/reproduction; victim/victimology/vulnerability.
Testo di riferimento obbligatorio
● A. Simone, I. Boiano, A. Condello, Femminismo Giuridico. Teorie e problemi, Mondadori Università, Milano 2019. Special Lecture Covid-19:
(reference books)
A. Simone, I. Boiano, A. Condello, Femminismo giuridico. Teorie e problemi, Mondadori Università, Milano 2019.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam