History of climatology, international organizations, Global warming: reality and negation (3 h) The climate system: atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere (3 h) Climate variability, climate change, anthropocene (3h) The cryosphere: glaciers, permafrost, ice sheet, sea ice (3 h) The climate system and its natural and anthropogenic perturbations: Variation of the relative position of the continents, astronomical, greenhouse gases, aerosols, volcanic eruptions, solar activity, land use variations, meteorite impacts, (3h) Sea Level rise (6 h) The paleoclimate: reconstruction of climate change in the past (ice cores, speleothems, marine cores, etc.). (3 hours) Points of no return "Tipping Point" (3 h) Extreme events (3 h) Climate Models (3 h) Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (3 h) Climate change simulations for the 21st century (3 h) Impacts of Climate Change: cryosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, biosphere. (3h). The economic costs of climate change (3 h) Technological innovation for a decarbonised society (3 h)
(reference books)
Pdf and copies of recent specialistic scientific publications given by the teacher