For Bachelor and Master's degree students. Second semester. Hours: Wednesdays, 2-5 pm, Laboratorio Informatico of the Area di Mondo Antico (LISA). Course start: Wednesday 9 March 2022. The mode of the course delivery will depend on the University regulations in force at the time. In any case, since it is a laboratory, which requires direct teacher-student interaction, there is NO registration of meetings and attendance (in the possible modes) is mandatory. Registration on Moodle: https://studiumanistici.el.uniroma3.it/course/view.php?id=516
The Laboratory introduces to the knowledge of the main informatic resources for the historical and philological studies related to Antiquity, Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages.
- Introduction. Creation of a scientific bibliography; methods of citation. Tools for bibliographic research: bibliographic repertories; on-line consultation of catalogues (OPAC); on-line consultation of books and periodicals (open access and by subscription); on-line reviews.
- Analysis of literary texts: text databases; electronic dictionaries; software for text analysis and lexical research on Greek and Latin texts.
- Research of epigraphic and papyraceous sources; research and consultation of manuscripts.
(reference books)
The teacher provides the didactic materials necessary for the carrying out of the Laboratory.