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20710220 Letteratura tedesca I in Languages and Literatures for Intercultural Communication L-11 FIORENTINO FRANCESCO
The module introduces to the problems and genres characterizing German literature in its two most intense periods - the second half of eighteenth century and the early twentieth century - through the reading of some classical texts and their historical-cultural contextualization.
(reference books)
G. E. Lessing, Emilia Galotti (Einaudi) J. W. Goethe, Werther (Einaudi) F. Schiller, I masnadieri (Mondadori) H. von Kleist, La brocca rotta (Garzanti) E. M. Remarque, Niente di nuovo sul fronte occidentale (Neri Pozza) F. Kafka, Il processo (Einaudi). B. Brecht, L’opera da tre soldi (Einaudi)