Derived from
The course is aimed at providing a more complete domain of the Latin language, also for a better understanding of the Italian language. A prose (Cicero’s Oratio pro Archia poeta) and a poetic text (Ausonius’ Epitaphia heroum) will be read in original and explicated as regards both the language and the contents. For this purpose the course consists of: (1) A number of lessons minded in particular to offer an overview of the main aspects of phonetics, morphology and syntax of the Latin language, with notions of prosody and metrics; (2) Setting, reading, italian translation and commentary of: - (a) Cicero’s Oratio pro Archia poeta; - (b) Decimus Magnus Ausonius’ Epitaphia heroum.
(reference books)
As for (1): - R. Oniga, Latin: A Linguistic Introduction, edited and translated by N. Schifano, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014. - S. Timpanaro, Nozioni elementari di prosodia e metrica latina, Firenze, 1953 [a .pdf copy of this book, currently not in print, will be made available on line at the url of the course]. - Further bibliography and tools about the texts in the syllabus will be given during the course, and made available on line at the url of the course.
As for (2): - (a) Cicerone, In difesa di Archia, traduzione e note di D. Pellacani, Milano, Rusconi, 2020; - (b) Decimo Magno Ausonio, Epitaphia heroum, cura di T. Privitera, Pisa, Edizioni ETS, 2019.
Non-attending students will integrate the program with the individual study of the following text: - A. Traina - G. Bernardi Perini, Propedeutica al latino universitario (preferably, 6th ed. revised and updated by C. Marangoni, Bologna, Pàtron, 2007).