Euripides’last tragedy, Iphigenia at Aulis. Toward a new dramatical art
Reading Iphigenia at Aulis will be focalized in the contest of the historical period and so it will be explained the particular aim of e new kind of dramatical art. The text presents a lot of philological problems: the drama has not been completely written by the author himself, so it was only a theatrical canvas. The students, during this class, could also improve their knowledge of the Greek historical grammar.
(reference books)
The Students can read M. Di Marco, La tragedia greca, Carocci 2000 or V. Di Benedetto- E. Medda, La tragedia sulla scena, Einaudi, Torino 1997. Ifigenia in Aulide: Euripidis Fabulae, ed. J. Diggle, Oxford Classical Text, Oxonii 1994 O. Longo, Elementi di Grammatica storica e di Dialettologia greca, CLEUP Editore Padova 1990; A. Meillet, Le lingue letterarie in Lineamenti di Storia della lingua greca, Einaudi, Torino 2001, 151-301; S. Kaczko, La koiné in A. C. Cassio, Storia delle lingue letterarie greche, Le Monnier Università, Firenze 2008, 357-92