AIMS: Acquiring adequate theoretical and technical knowledge regarding the common and distinctive elements that characterize bibliography and librarianship, the related areas of expertise and lines of development (including the digital one), with particular regard to: 1) design and compilation of bibliographies; 2) organization, management, evaluation and promotion of libraries in Italy; 3) evolution and use of document processing technologies (for both bibliographic and librarianship purposes); 4) history of printing and publishing (including the digital one). By the end of the course, students will acquire the ability to apply the knowledge learned for bibliographic processing and understood the management problems of a library, the implications of the use of information and communication technologies in the two disciplinary fields, as well as in the editorial one.
3 MODULES: 1) Information and Media Literacy; 2) Bibliography; 3) Library science, with final assessment for each module.
MODULE 1 (October): "Find your way in the docuverse for academic purposes". The first module is an introductory one and offers an overview of the information complexity, the "document", the importance of acquiring information literacy and the role of libraries and librarians in this process. Furthermore, the module introduces the student to the search for information for the purpose of the final paper, to the different types of theses and to academic writing at the master's degree level.
MODULE 2 (November): Bibliography (Referencing). The second module: - examines the definitions of bibliography; illustrates the historical evolution of the bibliography and the disciplines of the book and document (history, diplomatic, archival); - addresses information complexity and focuses on digital information and the tools to access it (catalog, discovery tools, databases, etc.); - deepens the metamorphosis of the book (digital book, Google books, etc.), of the text, of reading and of scientific communication, as well as the relationship between bibliography and the web; - provides for practical exercises in bibliographic research, with compilation of bibliographic citations according to various citation styles - eg. APA, MLA, Chicago / Turabian etc. - starting from the "bibliographic chain".
MODULE 3 (December month): Library Science (Librarianship). The third module - examines the definitions of librarianship; - presents the areas of competence; - outlines the historical aspects (history of the library with notes on the history of the book); types of libraries (state, university, public, etc.); - faces the library as a complex system: organization, planning, management and evaluation; development of physical and digital collections; organization of physical and virtual spaces functional to resource- and problem-based learning.
(reference books)
1) Luisa MARQUARDT, Orientarsi tra le informazioni (booklet available on the Moodle e-learning platform). 2) Roberto CICALA, I meccanismi dell'editoria: Il mondo dei libri dall'autore al lettore, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2021. ISBN 9788815292209. 3) Frédéric BARBIER, Storia delle biblioteche: dall’antichità a oggi, Milano: Editrice Bibliografica, 2016. ISBN 9788870759020. 4) Carlo BIANCHINI, I fondamenti della biblioteconomia: attualità del pensiero di S.R. Ranganathan, Milano: Editrice Bibliografica, 2015. ISBN 9788870758566. OPPURE: Alessandro MARZO MAGNO, L’inventore di libri: Aldo Manuzio, Venezia e il suo tempo. Roma-Bari: Laterza, 2020.