THE SOURCES OF 'DECAMERON' The course will examine the 'Decameron' considering the comparisons with the Classical, Biblical and Romanic antecedents which were the point of reference for the creation of the frame, the tales or of single passages of the work. The intertextual analysis will consider also the manuscipts of Boccaccio's library and will aim to show the elements of innovation (included the overthrow of cultural perspectives) which the author introduced in the re-elaboration of his sources.
(reference books)
- G. BOCCACCIO, Decameron, Introduzione, note e repertorio di Cose (e parole) del mondo di A. QUONDAM, Testo critico e Nota al testo a cura di M. FIORILLA, Schede introduttive e notizia biografica di G. ALFANO, Milano, Bur-Rizzoli, 2013 (and following editions): a selection of Tales and passages from the Cornice will be read and analyzed.
- *M. Fiorilla, Il capolavoro narrativo: il ‘Decameron’, in Boccaccio, a cura di M. Fiorilla e I. Iocca, Roma, Carocci, 2021, pp. 95-140; - *M. Cursi-M. Fiorilla, Giovanni Boccaccio, in Autografi dei letterati italiani. Le Origini e il Trecento, I, a cura di G. Brunetti, M. Fiorilla e M. Petoletti, Roma, Salerno Editrice, 2013, pp. 43-103 (solo le pp. 43-56, 69-70, 74-75, 88 e 98-103); - *G. Velli, Memoria, in Lessico critico decameroniano, a cura di R. Bragantini e P.M. Forni, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 1995, pp. 221-248; - *L. Battaglia Ricci, Scrivere un libro di novelle. Giovanni Boccaccio autore, lettore, editore, Ravenna, Longo, 2013, pp. 157-203; - *F. Bausi, Sull’utilità e il danno della ricerca sulle fonti. Il caso del ‘Decameron’, in «Carte Romanze», VIII/1, pp. 121-42; - *M. Fiorilla, La Valle delle Donne (‘Dec.’, VI Concl. 17-38) tra allusioni ovidiane (‘Met.’ III 149-182) e dantesche (Inf. V 129), in «Studi sul Boccaccio», XLIX, 2021, 457-466.
The articles marked by an asterisk will be available in photocopies along with other materials: an Anthology of classical, biblical and Romanic sources, copies of manuscripts, passages of other works, critical essays. Notes and other material will be uploaded in PDF format during the course in the lecturer’s web page (MOODLE).
Students who chose not to attend the course are invited to contact the lecturer.