The course aims to illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of the two main ways of learning History: the frontal one and the interactive. The program will consist of the following points:1) the subject of the discipline;2) historiographical schools;3) sources and methods;4) the evolution of the teaching of history in the Italian school; 5) teacher training and history teaching in primary school;6) the types of history teaching in the primary school;7) the laboratory.
(reference books)
For those who must gain 7 to 8 credits: Lando Landi, Insegnare la storia ai bambini, Carocci, 2006 Price Simon e Thonemann Peter, In principio fu Troia. L'Europa nel mondo antico, Laterza, 2014 Luca Tedesco, Didattica della storia. Un manuale per i futuri insegnanti della scuola primaria e dell’infanzia, Mondadori-Le Monnier, 2019
For those who must gain 4 to 6 credits: Price Simon e Thonemann Peter, In principio fu Troia. L'Europa nel mondo antico, Laterza, 2014 Luca Tedesco, Didattica della storia. Un manuale per i futuri insegnanti della scuola primaria e dell’infanzia, Mondadori-Le Monnier, 2019
For those who must gain 1 to 3 credits: Luca Tedesco, Didattica della storia. Un manuale per i futuri insegnanti della scuola primaria e dell’infanzia, Mondadori-Le Monnier, 2019.
Those who have to take the entire program can replace Landi's volume or the first three chapters of my manual "Didactics of History" with one of the following works: 1) Review of the following volume: Ricolfi and Mastrocola, The scholastic damage. The progressive school as a machine of inequality, 2021; 2) Review of the following volume: G. Ferroni, A school for the future, 2021; 3) Review of the following volume: S. Cassese, Intellettuali, 2021; 4) Review of the following volume: M.Recalcati, The lesson time, 2014 or 2021; 5) Construction of a laboratory.
The review will be sent to my institutional email address at the latest ten days before the exam session for which you will enroll.