The course includes the study of the fundamental structures of the French language (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, syntax) applied to specific exercises and to the reading, re-elaboration, deepening, written and oral, of Charles Perrault's fairy tales.
(reference books)
Grammar part: French grammar book and exercises: Grammatica francese, Lingua in pratica, con esercizi di autoverifica, CD audio per l’ascolto e esercizi online (seconda edizione), Zanichelli, 2015 (ISBN 978-88-08-13657-2), https://www.ibs.it/grammatica-francese-con-esercizi-di-libro-vari/e/9788808136572?lgw_code=1122-B9788808136572&gclid=Cj0KCQiAm4TyBRDgARIsAOU75soNDXXBKisq86ZQY4jsXtkNu_6qDs1lfK1EYXiMkmRklvJhNRWq2MAaAkAZEALw_wcB
Text of reading and deepening: Charles Perrault, Contes, online downloadable text. At the link https://fr.wikisource.org/wiki/Contes_de_Perrault_(%C3%A9d._1902) there is the classic text reproduced online, which you can use instead of the book. The site http://ticsenfle.blogspot.com/2015/07/charles-perrault-et-ses-contes-lire.html will also be used, where students will be able to find, in addition to comments and insights, both a version of the fairy tales rewritten in a more modern French and abbreviated versions for children. There is also an audio reading of the fairy tales, very useful to practice listening and pronunciation. During the course all these materials will be used and compared. Other sites for in-depth study that will be used (and that are recommended to those who do not attend the course): http://clpav.fr/ https://www.ricochet-jeunes.org/articles/15-suggestions-douvrages-qui-revisitent-les-contes-classiques For the exercises you can also use the websites (some with automatic correction) listed below. Français facile [http://www.francaisfacile.com] (exercises, explanations, etc.); Le Point du FLE [http://www.lepointdufle.net] (exercises, explanations, songs, audio files, videos, etc.). ; Lexilogos [http://www.lexilogos.com] (French-Italian Dictionaries); Le conjugueur [http://www.leconjugueur.com] (to solve any problem of conjugation of verbs in French)