The course aims at examining the Italian legal system field concerning the constitutional principles in matters of judicial function; carrying out a critical analysis of the provisions of the Constitution relating to the judiciary in the light of the interpretation of the constitutional case-law established over time. The structural, organizational and functional aspects of the judicial activity will also be explored. Special emphasis is placed on the analysis of the legislation on the judicial system, from its origins to its latest developments; on the structure of the judicial function, struggling between the unity enshrined in our Constitution and the judicial pluralism fostered by legislative measures enhancing the “exclusive jurisdiction” exercised by administrative courts. At the end of this course, successful students will develop a broad and comprehensive vision of the issues related to the judicial function in a complex legal system, with a particular focus on constitutional law but also considering the close links with the other branches of law (notably with procedural law). The course is therefore particularly recommended for students interested in starting a career in the judiciary.