Below are some of the points addressed during the lessons:
- books, readers, publishers in today's Italy: some numbers; - market trends: best sellers, "super cheap", ebooks; - the dimensions of the book: the book as a text, the book as an artifact, the book as a commodity; - the book before printing and printing before the book industry: the "historicity" of the book; - Platonic interlude: the Phaedrus and the critique of writing; - the passage from the scroll to the codex, the story of the manuscript book, from typography to industry; - birth and development of the book industry: technical innovations, publics and publishing "genres"; - the great dichotomy: "tool books" and "miscellaneous books" (and the "book of culture"?); - orienting oneself in the editorial offer: classifications, typologies, "editorial genres", - the physiognomy of the publisher and the organization of the catalog: the series (thematic areas, graphic choices, formats, layouts); - the book, the text, the paratext; - starting with Genette: the material form as primary paratext; - is the digital "book" still a book? - editorial choices 1: looking for ideas to turn into books; themes, authors, editorial styles, recipients, between readings and conversations; - the editorial choices 2: the reasons for the text, the costs of the book, the commercial possibilities; - the care of the catalog: budget spending and publishing plans between new releases, reprints, new editions, passages of series; long seller and "slow seller"; - the paperback/paperback/economical: enhancement of the catalog and expansion of the market; - the publishing contract and copyright; - editorial work between series standards and textual specificity; - the phases of editorial work, from editing to "visa si stampi"; - the communication of the book: not only reviews; - the sales office and promotion: "sell in", "sell out", "returns", sales analysis; - the book in the bookshop and the "sales channels": hyper production, "product life cycle".
(reference books)
-Enrico Mistretta; L' editoria. Un'industria dell'artigianato; Il Mulino Bologna, 2006; -Alberto Cadioli, Giuliano Vigini; Storia dell'editoria italiana dall'Unità ad oggi. Un profilo introduttivo;Editrice Bibliografica, 2012; -Lodovica Braida; Stampa e cultura in Europa; Laterza Roma-Bari, 2000; -Gian Arturo Ferrari; Libro; Bollati Boringhieri Torino, 2014; dal capitolo 13 "L'editoria industriale" fino alla fine; -Guglielmo Cavallo; " Del rotolo, del codice e di altri aspetti della cultura antica e medievale", pagg. 9-11. Articolo scaricabile dal sito del docente