The first part of the course goes over the key moment of transformation of the nature of war, from the ancient age to the present times, and the most meaningful steps in the evolution of the thinking that accompanied it in the Western world. The second part focuses on its 1900s characteristics. Specifically the age of the "total wars" and until the most recent reflections on the so-called "new wars", after 1945.
(reference books)
- J.J. Sheehan, L’età post-eroica. Guerra e pace nell’Europa contemporanea, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2008 - T. Detti (ed. by), Le guerre in un mondo globale, Viella, 2017
For the students enrolled in the former course of History of war and military institutions, having to take the 8 CFU exam: the programme is the same and in addition: - G. L. Mosse, Le guerre mondiali. Dalla tragedia al mito dei caduti, Laterza, 1990