Topic of the workshop are the literary genres: short story, novel, epic, lyric, "mystery", screenplays, etc. We will try to focus on the relationship between these forms of narration and the prevailing life forms. But above all to identify the possible relationship between the different literary genres and the different ways of conceiving and telling social and political history: in short, literary genres as a way of accessing the categories of the philosophy of history.
(reference books)
Enzo Melandri, I generi letterari e la loro origine, Quodlibet. AaVv, I formalisti russi, Einaudi. Viktor Sklovskij, Teoria della prosa, Einaudi. Bertold Brecht, Sul romanzo giallo, Einaudi. Anton Cechov, Né per fama né per denaro, Biblioteca editori associati. Edgar Allan Poe, Filosofia della composizione e altri saggi, Guida. Georg W. F. Hegel, Lezioni sulla filosofia della storia, La nuova Italia.