Corruption between politics and economics
Through the course, students will address one of the dominant themes in the contemporary public debate, particularly but not only in Italy: corruption. The topic will be addressed looking at two domains defined on the basis of two distinct - though intimately intertwined - roots of the phenomenon: politics and economics. As far as the relationship between politics and corruption is concerned, the republican orientation will be taken into consideration, from the Renaissance to the twentieth century. As for the relationship between economics and corruption, the contrasting approaches of the 18th and 19th centuries, utilitarianism and materialism, will be examined. Finally, some characteristic features of corruption in economic and political globalization will be investigated.
(reference books)
Machiavelli N., Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio (ed. BUR), Libro primo, Proemio, capitoli 1-7, 16-18, 24-30, 34, 37, 43-45, 53, 55, 58; Libro secondo, Proemio, capitolo 5; Libro terzo, capitoli 1, 16, 25; Saint-Just L.A., Frammenti sulle istituzioni repubblicane (ed. Einaudi o Sugar); Arendt H., Cos’è l’autorità? (VI paragrafo) e Cos’è la libertà?, in Tra passato e futuro (ed. Garzanti; pp. 184-192; pp. 193-227); Mandeville B., La favola delle api o Vizi privati, benefizi pubblici, in La polemica sul lusso nel Settecento francese (ed. Einaudi; pp. 7-22); D’Holbach P.H.D., La politica naturale o Discorso sui veri principî del governo, in La polemica sul lusso nel Settecento francese (ed. Einaudi; pp. 425-433); Marx K., Manoscritti economico-filosofici del 1844 (ed. Einaudi; Terzo manoscritto, Denaro, pp. 151-157); Lineamenti fondamentali di critica dell’economia politica (ed. Einaudi), passi scelti sul denaro dei Quaderni I e II.