World, globe, planet. From what position do we think and constitute the problems we face? The course explores the different spatial dimensions and related epistemologies present in contemporary philosophical and political analyses. If the world refers to an abode constituted by human meaning and history, if the globe seems to bring us back to a homogeneous spatial dimension, thinking about politics from the planetary dimension can open an altogether ancient and unprecedented perspective.
(reference books)
1. One between the following: M. Vegetti, L'invenzione del globo, Einaudi 2017; S. Lewis, M. A. Maslin, Il pianeta umano. Come abbiamo creato l'Antropocene, Einaudi 2019.
2. One between the following: D. Haraway, Chthulucene. Come sopravvivere su un pianeta infetto, Nero 2019; B. Latour, La sifda di Gaia. Il nuovo regime climatico, Meltemi 2019.
Introductory readings: Environmental Humanities, Deriveapprodi, in stampa F. Giardini, "Cosmopolitiche. Ripensare la politica a partire dal chosmos", reperibile on line