Armiero Marco
The course aims to offer the most recent methodological and theoretical tools of the environmental humanities (EH). Starting from an idea of environmental humanities as a post (or anti) -disciplinary arena, the course will encourage students to think beyond disciplinary boundaries to address the environmental and social challenges of the present. The course consists of three different and complementary sections.
Section 1 Scenarios - this part is designed to provide an overview of the EH
Section 2 Maps - These lessons provide orientation in some EH themes / territories
Section 3 Laboratories - In these lessons we will experiment with empirical research, analyze them and understand how they work
Expected learning outcomes (1) A thorough understanding of the major schools of EH (2) Becoming familiar with the methods used in EH (3) An in-depth knowledge of the debate on the Anthropocene and its critical issues with a focus on the Wasteocene (4) The ability to design and execute an EH micro-project / action (which is also valid as verification of learning) (5) Develop critical analysis skills of scientific texts and other types of sources
(reference books)
Marco Armiero & Serenella Iovino, Environmental Humanities della X Appendice dell’Enciclopedia Treccani
Libby Robin et al., Mappare un terreno comune: ecocriticismo, storia dell’ambiente ed Environmental Humanities, in Angelucci et al. Environmental humanities
Marco Armiero, Environemntal Humanities. una indisciplina delle relazioni, https://operavivamagazine.org/environmental-humanities-unindisciplina-delle-relazioni/ Salvo Torre e Maura Benegiamo, Il Pensiero Decoloniale. Dalle Radici del Dibattito ad una Proposta di Metodo, Acme 19(2) 2002, https://acme-journal.org/index.php/acme/article/view/1946 M. Armiero, L’era degli scarti, Torino, Einaudi, 2021, capp. 1, 2 e 4 Jason Moore, GLI ANTROPOCENI E L'ALTERNATIVA DEL CAPITALOCENE, n Angelucci et al. Environmental humanities Octavia Butler, La parabola del seminatore
Elisa Privitera, Marco Armiero e Filippo Gravagno, Seeking justice in risk landscapes. Small data and toxic autobiographies from an Italian petrochemical town (Gela, Sicily), Local environment 27(7), 2021
Marco Armiero, Indisciplinare tutto!
Armiero, Marco, Barca, Stefania, Velicu, Irina, Undisciplining political ecology, in Undisciplined Environments blog, 2019 https://undisciplinedenvironments.org/2019/10/01/undisciplining-political-ecology-a-minifesto/