General Part 1. Science-based regulation and the Constitution in the digital society 2. Science-based laws and Covid-19. The relationship between politics and science during the healty emergence
Special Part 1. Lex informatica and the governance of Internet 2. The digital transformation and the digital divide 3. The right to education and the digital culture 4. The right to privacy 5. The general principles concerning the processing of personal data and the conditions of lawfulness 6. The personal data processing and the right of the interested part, with particular reference to the right to be forgotten 7. The processing of genetic and biometric data 8. Contact tracing App and the processing of data by means of algorithms 9. The european governance of data and the european strategy. The Fight for Digital Sovereignty 10. Artificial intelligence and law 11. The use of artificial intelligence in the public administration 12. Digital justice and predictive algorithms 13. Information, media and freedom of expression in the digital society 14. Internet platforms and the public communication 15. Cyber security
(reference books)
1) A. Iannuzzi, Il diritto capovolto. Regolazione a contenuto tecnico-scientifico e Costituzione, Editoriale scientifica, Napoli, 2018.
2) Manuale sul diritto europeo in materia di protezione dei dati, Agenzia dell’Unione europea per i diritti fondamentali e Consiglio d’Europa, 2018, disponibile online (free): https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/5b0cfa83-63f3-11e8-ab9c-01aa75ed71a1/language-it/format-PDF
3) G. Pitruzzella, La libertà di informazione nell'era di internet, in MediaLaws, 2018, disponibile online (free): http://www.medialaws.eu/rivista/la-liberta-di-informazione-nellera-di-internet/
4) C. Casonato - B. Marchetti, PRIME OSSERVAZIONI SULLA PROPOSTA DI REGOLAMENTO DELL’UNIONE EUROPEA IN MATERIA DI INTELLIGENZA ARTIFICIALE, in Biolaw Journal, 2021, disponibile al seguente link: https://www.biodiritto.org/Online-First-BLJ/Online-First-BLJ-3-21-Prime-osservazioni-sulla-proposta-di-Regolamento-dell-Unione-europea-in-materia-di-Intelligenza-Artificiale
5) A. Simoncini, L'algoritmo incostituzionale: intelligenza artificiale e il futuro delle libertà, in Biolaw Journal, 2019, disponibile online (free): http://rivista.biodiritto.org/ojs/index.php?journal=biolaw&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=352