The course is divided into four parts and is distinguished between attending and non-attending.
The first part focuses on smart cities, identifying their main characteristics, defining their key performance indicators to measure their evolution over time, and clarifying the economic, technological, social and environmental implications that the emergence of such a paradigm could have in concrete.
The second part of the course focuses on the role of digitalization and the main underlying technologies, discussing its economic (new business models), social (possible greater participation in collective life), and environmental implications (reduction of pollutants).
The third part focuses attention on electronic commerce by connecting, in a specific sector, both the concept of smart city and that of digitalization, showing the implications at a sectoral level in practice.
The fourth part of the course explores the issue of sustainability by declining it into its main components (social, economic and environmental) and defining it in such a way as to clearly evaluate the effects of the possible intervention policies implemented in order to guarantee their achievement.
(reference books)
Articles and book chapters provided durig the course.
Non attending
Smart-cities Compulsory
Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale, ARCHITETTURA PER LE COMUNITÀ INTELLIGENTI: VISIONE CONCETTUALE E RACCOMANDAZIONI ALLA PUBBLICA AMMINISTRAZIONE, Versione 2.0 del 03/10/2012, https://www.agid.gov.it/sites/default/files/repository_files/documenti_indirizzo/archsc_v2.0.pdf
Optional de Santis, Roberta and Fasano, Alessandra and Mignolli, Nadia and Villa, Anna, 203, Il quadro concettuale e le esperienze di misurazione delle Smart Cities,{University Library of Munich, Germany, MPRA Paperhttps://EconPapers.repec.org/RePEc:pra:mprapa:50207.
R De Santis, A Fasano, N Mignolli, A Villa, 2014 , Smart City: la città del futuro? Anno XLVIII Economia & Lavoro Saggi pp. 177-193, (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Roberta-Santis/publication/260685739_Smart_City_the_future_city/links/557fe00908aec87640de1019/Smart-City-the-future-city.pdf)
Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e resilienza (pp. 83 – 115) (https://www.governo.it/sites/governo.it/files/PNRR.pdf)
Strategia per la crescita digitale 2014-2020, Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Roma 03/3/2015(https://www.agid.gov.it/sites/default/files/repository_files/documentazione/strat_crescita_digit_3marzo_0.pdf)
Optional Guarascio D., Sacchi S., (2017), Digitalizzazione, automazione e futuro del lavoro, Roma, Inapp https://oa.inapp.org/xmlui/handle/20.500.12916/64
Compulsory Donata Tania Vergura, 2018, E-commerce e digital transformation. Nuovi scenzari per imprese omicanale e consumatori on-demand, capp. 1, 2 4, 5. Giappichelli
Facoltativo/optional Mara Del Baldo, (2007), Domanda, offerta logistica e imprese minori, Piccola Impresa-Small Business, (https://journals.uniurb.it/index.php/piccola/article/view/2610/2351)
Sustainability Compulsory L’agenda globale per lo sviluppo sostenibile, Quinta edizione, n. 89, novembre 2020, Ufficio Studi Camera dei Deputati, (http://documenti.camera.it/leg18/dossier/testi/UE0017.htm?_1574476466411)
Optional Valera, Luca, 2012, La sostenibilità: un concetto da chiarire, Economia & diritto agroalimentare, Firenze University Press, P. 9-38. (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Luca-Valera/publication/239851725_La_sostenibilita_un_concetto_da_chiarire/links/570bdffa08ae8883a1ffdde5/La-sostenibilita-un-concetto-da-chiarire.pdf)