During the course, a reconstruction of the history of international migration in the contemporary age is proposed. The perspective is global, with particular attention to the Mediterranean area and to the Italian case. The periodisation embraces the historical phase between the second half of the nineteenth century and the present day. Population movements are examined starting from their contextualisation in the historical period in which they took place, their links with the economic, social and political transformations, and the processes of change they initiated, both in the places of departure and in the places of destination. Particular attention is paid to the theme of migration policies, starting from their elaboration and arriving at their concrete application and the results they have determined in directing migratory movements. With a view to deepening the links between the history of migration and the evolution of international cooperation paths, particular consideration is given to the history and evolution of the social actors that have played a leading role in the great seasons of development of mass migration: national and international institutions, social organisations, movements, associations and trade unions.
(reference books)
Corti, P., Storia delle migrazioni internazionali, Laterza, 2003
Due testi a scelta tra i seguenti:
Bellagamba, A., (a cura di), Migrazioni. Dal lato dell'Africa, Altravista, 2011 Bernardi, C., Una storia di confine. Frontiere e lavoratori migranti tra Messico e Stati Uniti (1836-1964), Carocci, 2018 Bonifazi, C., L'Italia delle migrazioni, Il Mulino, 2013 Colucci, M., Storia dell'immigrazione straniera in Italia. Dal 1945 ai nostri giorni, Carocci, 2018 Ferrara, A. - Pianciola, N., L'età delle migrazioni forzate. Esodi e deportazioni in Europa 1853-1953, Il Mulino, 2012 (il volume è suddiviso in 5 parti, per sostenere l'esame è necessario portare 3 parti a scelta) Gatrell, P., L'inquietudine dell'Europa. Come la migrazione ha rimodellato un continente, Einaudi, 2020 (il volume è suddiviso in 5 parti, per sostenere l'esame è necessario portare 2 parti a scelta) Rioli, M. C., L'archivio Mediterraneo. Documentare le migrazioni contemporanee, Carocci, 2021