The programme will offer a critical reading of the information society and will be developed around the following lines: 1. Open societies and closed societies 2. The information society 3. Ethics, technology and society 4. Digital inequalities 5. Open source systems and network multinationals 6. Internet and human rights 7. Right to be forgotten and the network 8. Copyright and the Net 9. Archives and privacy 10. Network and minors 11. Network and prisoners 12. Safety and protection from the Net 13. Algorithms and fb 14. Ethnic profiling 15. The Brexit case 16. The Snowden case 17. The Assange case 18. The Trump case 19. Network and cyberbullying 20. Network and hate crimes
(reference books)
Giovanni Sartor. L'informatica giuridica e le tecnologie dell'informazione. Corso di informatica giuridica. Terza edizione, 2016. Giappichelli editore