The objective of the course is the understanding of the main economic policies and institutions and the analysis of their roles, functions and regulations. The course helps to build a good economic knowledge on fiscal and monetary policies in closed and open economies, redistributive policy, and structural reforms, with a focus on current economic and political topics (i.e. the current debate on the Eurozone).
21201481 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
Group: A - L
The course will concentrate on selected important economic policy issues and relevant economic tools. The specific topics will be of contemporary interest, and will be announced by the start of each year. In any year the topics covered are likely to include some of the following: Globalisation: effects on welfare, development and income distribution; ii Inequality; Global imbalances ; Tax, fiscal policy and unemployment; Monetary policy and exchange rate frameworks ; Financial integration and currency unions ; Financial crises and relevant policies ; endogenous growth, exhaustible resources and relevant policies.
(reference books)
R Cellini Politica Economica, Mc Graw Hill 2019
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Written test
Group: M - Z
o Economic policy motivations, functions and tools o Micro e macro objectives of economic policy o Markets and economic competition o Externalities, public goods, information asymmetries, strategic interdependence o Fiscal policy: scenarios and current context o Monetary policy: transmission channels, Central Banks, Euro debate, inflation o Globalization, international systems and relations: strategic interdependence, the balance of payments and exchange rate, protectionism and trade agreements o Income, wealth, development and growth policy o European economic policy in the globalized context o Regional, Industrial and Labour policies
(reference books)
Module 1: Politica economica. Introduzione ai modelli fondamentali, di Roberto Cellini (McGraw Hill, 2019), chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 27.1, 27.2, 27.3, 27.5, 27.6 Module 2: Politica economica. Introduzione ai modelli fondamentali, di Roberto Cellini (McGraw Hill, 2019), chapters: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 25, 26, 27.4
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
At a distance
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Written test
o Economic policy motivations, functions and tools o Micro e macro objectives of economic policy o Markets and economic competition o Externalities, public goods, information asymmetries, strategic interdependence o Fiscal policy: scenarios and current context o Monetary policy: transmission channels, Central Banks, Euro debate, inflation o Globalization, international systems and relations: strategic interdependence, the balance of payments and exchange rate, protectionism and trade agreements o Income, wealth, development and growth policy o European economic policy in the globalized context o Regional, Industrial and Labour policies
(reference books)
Module 1: Politica economica. Introduzione ai modelli fondamentali, di Roberto Cellini (McGraw Hill, 2019), chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 27.1, 27.2, 27.3, 27.5, 27.6 Module 2: Politica economica. Introduzione ai modelli fondamentali, di Roberto Cellini (McGraw Hill, 2019), chapters: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 25, 26, 27.4
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
At a distance
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Written test