Derived from
21201434 CONSUMER LAW - MARKET REGULATIONS in Economics and management LM-77 RABITTI MADDALENA
The course is activated in a single teaching module. The program deals with the study of the notion of consumer and market protection through the regulation of the consumer code, of the various European sources and of special legislation. In particular, the program focuses on the study of the consumer's fundamental rights, consumer contracts, unfair terms, unfair commercial practices, the role of supervisory authorities and the AGCM, private and publicist enforcement, access to justice, to the adr. To this is added the attention dedicated to the theme of the impact of new technologies on consumer life, the theme of big data and algorithms and the incidence that the technological evolution in place has on the existing regulation in terms of conformation of the business activity and consumer protection. The perspective from which the discipline is looked at is not that of the consumer contract but of the regulation of the markets in which a consumer operates based on the activity he performs.
(reference books)
AA.VV., Manuale di diritto dei consumi, Soggetti, atto, attività, enforcement, edited L. Rossi Carleo, Giappichelli, Torino, 2015, excluding the following parts only: Part III, Chapter Two (pp. 203-218) Part IV, Chapter Two, Section Four (pp. 247-252) Part IV, Chapter Three, Section Three (pp. 283-306)