Knowledge has become the strategic asset for firms and organizations in the modern digital age. Thus, people are more and more central in the economic activity as they are able to share, combine, and produce new knowledge over time and across networks. The organizational ability to motivate people, and to engage them in knowledge sharing has gained strategic relevance. Moreover, the technological innovations have provided organizations with unprecedented digital tools to assist them. Thus, students will engage in active participation through exercises and project work in order to understand strategies of knowledge management, organizational conditions and enabling technologies. This course is designed to understand the role of data-driven knowledge within the contemporary economy, and to provide the students with a clear analysis of the production, distribution, and consumption of information-based goods.
21210123 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
Derived from
21210123 PEOPLE MANAGEMENT in Economics and management LM-77 MARCHEGIANI LUCIA
The course will cover the following topics: Characteristics, drivers and criticality of information-based economy and the knowledge-based view of the firms. Organization and globalization. Taxonomy of knowledge: the distinction between data, information, knowledge, wisdom. The dimensions of knowledge: the model of Nonaka and Takeuchi and beyond. The processes for the creation, dissemination, and capitalization during the harvesting of knowledge. Competences of knowledge workers. The rise of the smart creative class. Human Resources Management at the time of digital technologies – HR TECH Smart cities for dumb people?
(reference books)
We will be using the following textbooks: Marchegiani, L. (2021). Digital Transformation and Knowledge Management. Routledge.
Newell S., Robertson M., Scarbrough H., Swan J. (2009) Managing Knowledge Work and Innovation. Palgrave.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/03/2022 to 31/05/2022 |
Delivery mode
At a distance
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Written test
A project evaluation