The 54 hour/9 Cfu course will take place in the second semester. Students of other courses of study (or who must achieve integration) will attend the course for the number of hours / cfu (or study a program proportionally reduced and agreed with the teacher) as provided in the ordering of their course of study. The commitment to attend the course must be assumed in a rigorous and continuous manner, as it provides a structured study path, in-progress checks, individual and group work with weekly deadlines. Attending students are those who are present at least 2/3 of the hours of the course and who participate assiduously in all activities, both individual and collective, both carried out in the presence and through the multimedia platform Formonline. Anyone who, for whatever reason, cannot ensure such continuity of attendance and/or participation, may also attend the course by reporting their particular situation to the Teacher and in any case referring to the program and the examination test provided for non-attendants. The course includes the study of the fundamental structures of the French language (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, syntax) applied to specific exercises and to the reading, re-elaboration, deepening, written and oral, of Charles Perrault's fairy tales and other children's literature.
(reference books)
Grammar part: French grammar book and exercises: Grammatica francese, Lingua in pratica, con esercizi di autoverifica, CD audio per l’ascolto e esercizi online (seconda edizione), Zanichelli, 2015 (ISBN 978-88-08-13657-2), https://www.ibs.it/grammatica-francese-con-esercizi-di-libro-vari/e/9788808136572?lgw_code=1122-B9788808136572&gclid=Cj0KCQiAm4TyBRDgARIsAOU75soNDXXBKisq86ZQY4jsXtkNu_6qDs1lfK1EYXiMkmRklvJhNRWq2MAaAkAZEALw_wcB
Reading texts, listening materials and in-depth videos will be provided during the course and available via the formonine platform.Reading texts, listening materials and in-depth videos will be provided during the course and available via the formonine platform.
At the link https://fr.wikisource.org/wiki/Contes_de_Perrault_(%C3%A9d._1902) there is the classic text reproduced online, which you can use instead of the book. The site http://ticsenfle.blogspot.com/2015/07/charles-perrault-et-ses-contes-lire.html will also be used, where students will be able to find, in addition to comments and insights, both a version of the fairy tales rewritten in a more modern French and abbreviated versions for children. There is also an audio reading of the fairy tales, very useful to practice listening and pronunciation. During the course all these materials will be used and compared.
Links: https://fr.wikisource.org/wiki/Contes_de_Perrault_(%C3%A9d._1902) http://ticsenfle.blogspot.com/2015/07/charles-perrault-et-ses-contes-lire.html http://clpav.fr/ https://www.ricochet-jeunes.org/articles/15-suggestions-douvrages-qui-revisitent-les-contes-classiques http://www.francaisfacile.com; http://www.lepointdufle.net