The passions of the soul: emotions and their "codes" in the human life
The course intends to offer a path of reading and reflection on the texts of some great philosophers of the past and present, who have focused on the complexity of our emotional life and the generation of feelings and virtues. Above all, it will be shown how passions have been interpreted as a significant and complex moment in the relationship between soul and body. The course will be divided into two modules: in the first module (36h), some significant figures of ancient, medieval and modern thought will be analyzed. In the second module (18h) some contemporary readings of emotion will be presented and we will reflect on the way in which our contemporary culture exalts the emotional dimension in our personal lives.
(reference books)
Concerning the first part: Tommaso d'Aquino, Le passioni e l'amore, Bompiani, Milano 2012 Cartesio, Le passioni dell'anima, tr. it. S. Obinu, Bompiani, Milano 2003 J. Locke, Saggio sull'intelligenza umana, tr. it. Polissi-Farina, Laterza, Roma-Bari, (solo il l. II, c. XX), pp. Concerning the second part: M.S. Vaccarezza, Emozioni e conversione morale. La via trasformativa all'eccellenza, in Ead., Esempi Morali. Tra ammirazione ed etica delle virtù, Il Mulino, Bologna 2020, pp. 129-187. A. Petagine, Profili dell'umano. Lineamenti di Antropologia filosofica, FrancoAngeli, Milano, pp. 55-137. G. Lipovetsky, L'era del vuoto, Luni, Milano 2016.
Other material useful for the exam may be made available during the lessons