FIRST PART 1. Introduction to the study of international relations: traditions of research and evolution of the discipline 2. Realism 3. Liberalism 4. Marxism 5. Constructivism SECOND PART 7. IPE and Globalization 8. International Security Studies-ISS 9. Foreign Policy Analysis and Diplomacy -FPA 10. Regionalism 11. Global Politics 12. The future of IR Theory (focus: non-Western IR)
(reference books)
1) Mazzei, F., Marchetti, R., & Petito, F. (2010). Manuale di politica internazionale. Milano: Egea
2) Andreatta,Filippo (a cura di), (2011). Le Grandi Opere delle Relazioni Internazionali, Il Mulino
3) Graham Allison, (2018). Destinati alla Guerra. Fazi Editore
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