The proposed training activity is divided into a common part, of an interdisciplinary cut, and a part of further study of a disciplinary cut, differentiated in the different Departments and courses of study, as described below. The common part consists of 18 2-hour lessons on the 2030 Agenda (one general and introductory, plus one for each of the 17 Agenda objectives), supplemented by the study of the text of the 2030 Agenda, by the in-depth readings indicated by the speakers and tutoring of the teachers in charge of each Department. The lessons, except for any exceptions, will be entrusted to an external and an internal speaker who discuss the topic of the lesson. The specific part will consist of a guided study, differentiated in the different Departments and oriented to some of the topics of the 2030 Agenda; it will be disciplinary in nature, consistent with the courses of study of the students of the Departments involved and will be based on the specific SSDs of the teachers who manage the tutoring, the final test and the exam report. The final exam can take different modalities (oral exam, written exam, term papers) and you can think about forms of active involvement of the students (interviews, questionnaires, videos, works, projects, ...), which can be connected to the final exam. In addition to Prof. Tonelli, coordinator, the professors Marrone, Filpa, Ombuen will be collaborators for the course.
(reference books)
Text of the 2030 agenda e-learnirg teaching module prepared by Asvis and related handouts Selection of readings recommended by the speakers of the seminar cycle, guided by the teachers in charge Bibliography on in-depth topics