The course (36 hours) starts from the origins and the history of International Cooperation, to then describe the evolution of Italian Development Cooperation, from the birth of the NGOs to the recent reform, with the creation of an autonomous Agency; then analyzes, in light of the international perspectives, the path of our governmental and non-governmental Cooperation, considering in particular the evolution of the concept of development, up to the new forms of international cooperation and partnership. A parallel laboratory path (16 hours) will instead be dedicated to design (project cycle, logical framework, intervention tools), with reference also to the projects of the University of Roma Tre. In a final seminar (2 hours), the students will present the project elaborated in the working groups to the teachers and students of Roma Tre.
(reference books)
Testi di riferimento per l'esame: ”Manuale di cooperazione allo sviluppo”, di Antonio Raimondi e Gianluca Antonelli, Sei ed. 2001 “L’antenna e il baobab”, di Massimo Ghirelli, Sei ed. 2005
Testo aggiuntivo per i non frequentanti (+ tesina): Uno a scelta tra: “La cooperazione allo sviluppo internazionale”, di Maggie Black, Carocci, 2004 "Perle e pirati. Critica della cooperazione allo sviluppo e nuovo multilateralismo", di Luciano Carrino, Ed.Libreria universitaria 2010