Zurovac Elisabetta
- Relationship between media and social construction of reality; - Theory of public opinion; - Citizen / consumer empowerment in web 2.0 - Quantitative research: questionnaire creation; methodologies for carrying out the interview (C.A.TI. Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing; C.A.W.I. Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing; C.A.M.I. Computer-Assisted Mobile Interviewing; C.A.P.I. Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing); - the digital methods approach; - Qualitative research: focus groups; in-depth interviews; digital ethnography.
(reference books)
1. Caliandro A., Gandini A., I metodi digitali nella ricerca sociale, Carocci 2019 2. Bentivegna S., Boccia Artieri G., Le teorie delle comunicazioni di massa e la sfida digitale, Roma-Bari, Laterza 2019 3. Slide messe a disposizione dalla docente