Derived from
20410560-2 MODULO B - MATLAB programming in Computational Sciences LM-40 CACACE SIMONE
Matlab desktop, command window, workspace, current folder, command history, help documentation, window layouts, preferences. Manage workspace, load/save variables from/to .mat files. Array editor, manual editing of variables. Script editor, basic commands to open/save/modify .m script files. Strings, scalars, mathematical functions, constants, vectors, matrices. Display format, assignment, arithmetic operations, concatenation, transposition, length, size. Element-wise operations, access/modify/delete elements and blocks of elements. Useful matrices. Relational operators, logic operators, logic queries on vectors and matrices. Control flow statements. Loop statements, loop control. Anonymous functions, primary functions, global variables. Matlab Graphics, object hierarchy, parent, children, type, handles. Read/write object properties, find objects by property value, copy/delete objects. Figure objects, Axes objects, Line objects. Colors, RGB representation. Plotting points and graphs in the plane, plot of multiple lines using matrices, line styles, colors, markers, plot of parametric curves. Measure time, real-time computations. Plot of points and parametric curves in the space, setting azimuth and elevation (view). Additional features of axes objects, text objects, axes matrices. Generation of Cartesian grids from vectors, plot of graphs for functions of two variables. Color maps and lights. Plot of parametric surfaces in the space, shading and lighting. Images. Drawing level-sets of functions and polygons. Plot of vector fields in 2d and 3d. Introduction to User Interfaces, uicontrol styles and properties. Behavior of uicontrols via custom callback functions. Interaction between uicontrols using global variables or nesting objects in a container function with a common workspace.
(reference books)
Lecture Notes