By presenting the different approaches to probability (classical, frequentist, propensities-oriented, subjectivist and logistist), the course focuses on the philosophy of probability and its application to the natural and social sciences. The idea that motivates the course has been well expressed by the great economist Keynes, namely that probability is the true guide to our lives. The course will show how even a rudimental knowledge of the theory of probability is indispensable to reason in a correct way and therefore predict as reliably as possible the uncertain course of our individual future and that of society
(reference books)
Hykel Hosni, Come smettere di preoccuparsi e iniziare ad amare l’incertezza, Carocci, Roma, 2018 Hacking I, Introduzione alla probabilità e alla logica induttiva, Il Saggiatore, Milano, 2005 Aczel .A Chance ( Il caso).Dai giochi d'azzardo agli affari di cuore. Cortina, Milano, 2005 Notes provided by the instructor