Major goals of this course are: the training in the ecology of coastal ecosystems and the achievement of solid skills in this sector, the understanding of its relationship with other ecological disciplines (animal ecology, plant ecology) and the strengthening of the knowledge acquired previously (botany, zoology, ecology). This course aims to analyze the wide biodiversity of coastal ecosystems, at national and European level and the major threats. Furthermore, the acquisition of a broad skills in the methodologies and techniques related to the collection, both in the laboratory and in the field, of biological and environmental data. Finally, the course aims to develop the comprehensive training necessary for the analysis and management of coastal ecosystems addressed to their protection, conservation and enhancement, both in natural contexts or heavily modified by man.
Ecology and plant diversity of coastal ecosystems
Coastal ecosystems, the transition between land and sea. Environmental gradients. Ecotones and transitions. Plant diversity in coastal, rocky and lagoon coastal environments. Major features and distribution throughout the world. Plant communites in Italy and Europe (Mediterranean and Atlantic). Analyses of main plant communities and habitats (European Directive 92/43/EEC (Habitat Directive) present in Italy. Conservation problems. Sampling tecniques and data analyses.
Ecologia e diversità faunistica delle coste sabbiose, delle lagune costiere e delle coste rocciose The animal communities of coastal dunes and their ecological relations with plants. Interactions between the animal communities of coastal dunes and Mediterranean evergreen scrub. The fauna of coastal wetlands and their importance as sites of bird nesting and winter refuges. The Ramsar Convention: conservation and management issues in wetlands. Stranding and recovery of marine vertebrates (whales, dolphins and sea turtles). Nesting of sea turtles and their conservation. Coexistence of marine and land animals in the intertidal zone. Fauna of tide pools. Sea bird nesting on rock cliffs: conservation and management issues.
Conservation and management of coastal ecosystems
Conservation of coastal ecoystems. Disturbance factors. The role of disturbance on coastal ecosystems. Response to disturbance. Endangered species. Alien species. Bioindicators. Environmental quality and conservation status. Conservation and Management.
(reference books)
Acosta A. & Ercole S. 2017. Gli habitat delle coste sabbiose italiane: ecologia e problematiche di conservazione. Quaderni ISPRA (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale 215/2015.
Ruffo, S. (a cura di). (2002). Dune e spiagge sabbiose. Ambienti fra terra e mare. Quaderni Habitat, 4. Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio. Scaricabile dal sito del Ministero.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
A project evaluation
Animal diversity and Ecology of coastal ecosystems The animal communities of coastal dunes and their ecological relations with plants. Interactions between the animal communities of coastal dunes and Mediterranean evergreen scrub. The fauna of coastal wetlands and their importance as sites of bird nesting and winter refuges. The Ramsar Convention: conservation and management issues in wetlands. Stranding and recovery of marine vertebrates (whales, dolphins and sea turtles). Nesting of sea turtles and their conservation. Coexistence of marine and land animals in the intertidal zone. Fauna of tide pools. Sea bird nesting on rock cliffs: conservation and management issues.
(reference books)
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam