-Introductory notes on the chemistry of natural substances. Characteristics of secondary metabolites. Allelopatic substances. The biosintetic ways of secondary metabolism. Metabolism of acetate. Prostaglandins. Aromatic polychetides. Anthraquinones. Cannabinoids. Aflatoxins. Tetracycline. The metabolism of shikimato. Biogenesis of shikimato. Cinnamic acids. Lignins. Fenilpropani. Benzoic acids. Coumarins. Flavonoids. Tannins. Isoflavones. Terpenoid chinons. The metabolism of the mevalonate. Biogenesis of mevalonic acid. The various types of terpens and derived compounds. Iridoids. Gibberellins. Structural characteristics of animal steroids. Phytosterols. Alcaloids: definition, original amino acids and nomenclature. Biosynthesis and activities of the main types of alcaloids: cocaine, nicotine, curari, morphine, loganin, lysergic acid, coniine. Notes on carbohydrates. Cianogenic glucosides. Streptomycin. Secondary metabolites of peptidic origin. Interferons. Opious peptides. Peptidic toxins: ricina and botulino. Penicillins. Basic principles of environmental chemistry. Interactions between the various spheres in which the terrestrial environment is divided. The atmosphere: notes on training and depositing of the ozone (buco dell'ozono); effect of cfc and halon. Notes on oxidizing and polluting species and their monitoring. The particulate: ipa and phthalates. The serra effect: main gas-greenhouse and their gwp. The kyoto protocol. The hydrosphere. Chemical-physical properties of water and water bodies. TIC, TOC, TC. Biodegradable organic pollutants (COD, BOD5), of difficult oxidation and toxic (LD50 and LOD50). Bioaccumulation and biomagnification. Metabolism of some pesticides.
(reference books)
P.M. DEWICK : "Medicinal Natural Products" Wiley Ed. C. BAIRD, M. CANN “Environmantal Chemistry”, Slides of the pwp presentation of each lesson.