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21801481 HISTORY OF CONTEMPORARY ITALY in Political science and international relations L-36 D'ALESSANDRI ANTONIO, SCARANTINO ANNA
The course is divided in two parts carried out by two different teachers. The first, held by Dr. Antonio D’Alessandri, focuses on the historical events between the Napoleonic age and the political crisis of the late Nineteenth century. Particular attention is paid to the formation of the Italian national movement, within the broader framework of Europe during the so-called century of nationalities. The analysis deals with the many insurrectional attempts up to the crucial years of national unification. Then, the main problems of the new unitary state are tackled: from internal politics to the difficult search for an adequate international position for the country. The second part, taught by dr. Anna Scarantino, focuses on the historical events happening between Giolitti's period and the crisis of the so-called First Republic. Insights will include, in particular, fascism (movement and regime) and the evolution of democracy in the Republican Italy, through the consolidation and following decline of the traditional political parties and their respective political cultures. The analysis will take into account the contemporary social and cultural transformations within the country.
(reference books)
Maurizio Ridolfi, Storia della politica. Italia e italiani in prospettiva transnazionale nei secoli XIX-XXI, Pearson, Milano-Torino, 2020. Students not attending classes must also prepare for the exam on the book by Arianna Arisi Rota, Risorgimento. Un viaggio politico e sentimentale, il Mulino, Bologna, 2019.