Main issues:
Political and social history of Russia and other Central and Eastern European countries from 1815 to the First World War.
The Soviet Union and central-eastern Europe in the interrlude among the two World Wars. The Soviet Union and the central-eastern Europe from the post-war period to 1991. The post-communist era.
Priority will be given to the political history, with a minor attention to the social and economic history, as also to the principal tides of the political thought. Great attention will be reserved to the international relations.
(reference books)
Giovanna Cigliano, La Russia contemporanea. Un profilo storico (1855-2005), Roma, Carocci, pp. 258, 20 euro Francesco Guida, La Russia e l’Europa centro-orientale: 1815-1914, Roma, Carocci, pp. 127, 10 euro Francesco Guida, L’altra metà dell’Europa dalla Grande guerra ai giorni nostri, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 26 euro Not attending students: Antonio D'Alessandri, Sulle vie dell'esilio: i rivoluzionari romeni dopo il 1848, Lecce, Argo 2015