This course explores the contemporary elaboration of political anthropology (first part). Analyze the dissemination of human rights as discourse (global and local) and practice (2nd part). It examines the opposition between culture and rights along with current theoretical efforts to negotiate an intermediate space (third part) focusing in particular on gender-based violence (female genital modifications, rape, etc.). Finally, the course examines the moral economy concept and the approaches to transnational, deterritorialized, and multi-sited ethnography as well as the gaps between human rights as global law and implementation in the local context. Some cooperation projects related to gender-based violencep will be analyzed in class.
(reference books)
1. Didier Fassin, 2013,Humanitarian Reason. A Moral History of the Present. University of California Press. Berkeley (introduction only) 2. Michela Fusaschi, 2007, I segni sul corpo. Per un’antropologia delle modificazioni dei genitali femminili, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino. 3. Michela Fusaschi, 2011, Quando il corpo è delle Altre. Retoriche della pietà e umanitarismo spettacolo, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino.