The course focuses on the analysis of the processes that characterized the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in Latin America, with the aim of providing students tools for understanding the dynamics currently underway in the area. Particular attention will be paid to the memory of human rights violations during internal armed conflicts and military dictatorships in the second half of the twentieth century, to peace processes and transitional justice in Central America and to relations between Latin America and the United States and between Latin America and Europe.
The first part of the course will focus on the events characterizing the history of contemporary Latin America in light of the most recent historiographical debates, particularly as related to relations between Latin America and the United States and Euro-Latin American relations. In the second part, the course will focus on the issue of internal repression and human rights violations that occurred during military dictatorships and internal armed conflicts of the second half of the twentieth century. In particular, it will analyze practices aimed at creating terror, propaganda and repressive strategies, internal and external "enemy" construction processes, and the development, from the 1970s, of movements and organizations committed to the protection of human rights.
(reference books)
Gli studenti frequentanti, oltre ai saggi forniti dalla docente durante il corso, dovranno concordare i testi da consultare con la docente.
Gli studenti non frequentanti dovranno studiare i seguenti testi per l'esame orale:
1) Loris Zanatta, Storia dell’America Latina Contemporanea, Laterza, 2017
2) Massimo De Giuseppe, Gianni La Bella, Storia dell'America Latina Contemporanea, il Mulino, 2019
3) Laura Fotia (a cura di), Le Politiche dell'odio nel Novecento americano, Nova Delphi Academia (solo i saggi relativi all'America Latina, da concordare con la docente)
Inoltre, un testo a scelta tra i seguenti:
Maria R. Stabili, Le Verità Ufficiali. Transizioni Politiche e Diritti umani in America Latina, Nuova Cultura
Raffaele Nocera, Stati Uniti e America Latina dal 1823 ad oggi, Carocci
Loris Zanatta, La nazione cattolica. Chiesa e dittatura nell'Argentina di Bergoglio, Laterza