Introduction: The Balkans and the European Turkey; Geography, people, economy and society; The Great Powers, the Balkans e the national awakening; The end of the Ottoman power and the nation building and state building; The new century, its development and the consequences on the South-east Europe: The Balkan Wars: the end of the Risorgimento phase and the start of a new political vision: nationalism and imperialism; The World War One and its consequences; Peace, war and the Balkans in the New Europe; New Borders, new states and new people also? The interwar years the first massive modernization in the Balkans; A new ruler: the Third Reich; crisis and war; The establishment of a communist rule in the Balkan countries: the birth of a new world? Between Stalin ad Tito; The Seventieth and the eighties: stabilization and stagnation; the fall of the communist regimes and the hard transition.
(reference books)
1) Alberto Basciani, L'illusione della modernità. Il Sud-est dell'Europa tra le due guerre mondiali, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2016 2) E. Ivetic, I Balcani, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2020 3) Andrew B. Wachtel, Storia dei Balcani, Lecce, Salento Books, 2016.
for non-attending students:
1) Ben Fowekes, L'Europa orientale dal 1945 al 1970, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2004 2) Bulent Gokay, L'Europa orientale dal 1970 a oggi, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2005 .