The Risorgimento seen by foreigners Inside a general framework of events and debates related to the history of the Risorgimento,, the course intends to deepen the positions that foreigners took towards the events of the Risorgimento, conveyed both by journeys to Italy, and by diplomatic relations, and by the testimonies of the exiles who found hospitality in several European and American countries especially between 1820 and 1860. The aim is to understand also what influence foreigners' attitudes and their active participation had on Italian events. Ample space will be given to reading and commenting on essays and documents, to start the students with a critical approach to literature and sources.
(reference books)
1) Dossier of documents provided from the teacher (download from website Moodle). 2) MARIO BELARDINELLI, Il Risorgimento e la realizzazione della comunità nazionale, Roma, edizioni Studium, 2011. 3) Il Risorgimento visto dagli altri, a cura di MATILDE DILLON - GIULIO FERRONI, Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2013 (Temi e testi, 117), pp. 1-319.
Attending students will be given further information during the lessons.