The course will mainly tackle the following topics: the origins of local diplomatic representation; Italian models; social careers and roles of ambassadors and apostolic nuncios; treaties on the diplomatic profession; critical investigation of diplomatic sources; duties and regulations of the diplomatic profession; the actual practices of diplomacy at work in modern-era historical contexts.
(reference books)
Exam texts 1) S. ANDRETTA, L’arte della prudenza. Teorie e prassi della diplomazia nell’Italia del XVI e XVII secolo, Biblink, Roma 2006. 2) 2) Esperienza e diplomazia. Saperi, pratiche culturali e azione diplomatica nell’età moderna (XV-XVIII secc.)- Expérience et diplomatie. Savoirs, pratiques culturelles et action diplomatique à l’époque moderne (XV-XVIIIe siècle), a cura di S. Andretta, Lucien Bély, Alexander Koller, Géraud Poumarède (Introduction and 8 essays chosen by the student), Roma, Viella, 2020
Non-attending students must study in addition to the texts indicated above: G. ALONGE, Ambasciatori. Diplomazia e politica nella Venezia del Rinascimento, Donzelli, Roma 2019 or as an alternative the book: E. PLEBANI, E.VALERI, P.VOLPINI, Diplomazie. Linguaggi, negoziati e ambasciatori far XV e XVI secolo, ( a cura di), Franco Angeli, Milano 2017