Ascalone Enrico
The course 2020/2021 aims to present the main artistic and architectural events of Mesopotamia and the Iranian plateau between the second half of the IV and the very first years of the II millennium BC. The study of the main cultural expressions of the single peoples who crossed the alluvial areas between Tigris and Euphrates, together with the contemporary Elamite productions known in Fars, Kerman and Sistan-va-Baluchistan, will be tackled both with a historical-artistic approach and with a purely archaeological methodology that can allow to define cultural horizons within specific stratigraphical sequences. With this perspective, the presentation of the individual cultural dynamics from the Uruk period (ca. 3500-3000 BC) to the Ur III period (ca. 2120-2004 BC), through the numerous regionalisation processes (ca. 3000-2800/2700 BC), the first dynastic formulations (ca. 2700-2350 BC) and the first imperial-type organisations (Akkad, ca. 2350-2200 BC), will be supported by an adequate historical introduction. In addition to providing a basic knowledge of the cultures of Mesopotamia and Iran in the 3rd millennium BC, the course also aims to enable the student to develop a critical analysis of archaeological objects, helping to fully understand the meaning of the dynastic art of the pre-Achaemenid societies of the ancient Near East through a historical contextualization of archaeological data.
(reference books)
- J. Álvarez-Mon, The Art of Elam, ca. 4200-525 BC, Routledge, London - New York, 2020, pp. 34-179. - E. Ascalone, L’Archeologia dell’Iran Antico. Interazioni, integrazioni e discontinuità nell’Iran del III millennio a.C., Si.Sc.A.M., Messina 2006, pp. 3-111. - E. Ascalone, I Sumeri, in La Storia dell’Arte. Le prime civiltà, Mondadori Electa, 2006, pp. 83-127. - M. Liverani, Antico Oriente. Storia, Società, Economia, Editori Laterza, Roma-Bari 1988, pp. 107-200; 232-291. - H. Frankfort, Arte e architettura dell’Antico Oriente, Torino 1970, pp. 5-68. Dispense e una selezione dei testi saranno fornite in formato PDF da parte del docente.