The beginnings of Italian literature in the European context
This course will provide a wide-ranging introducation to the Italian literature of the thirteenth and fourteenth century, with a specific focus on the origins and development of poetic genres, from the so-called Sicilian school through to the experience of Francesco Petrarch, which stands out as foundational for all European lyric poetry. Both the historic context and the sociological profile of writers will be emphasized. The multiple linguistic, thematic and formal connections and overlappings with other European literatures will be investigated.
NB: This programme will be valid from the Summer Exam Session 2021. Students who did not attend lectures and willing to give the exam during the Winter Exam Session 2021 will prepare the course programme of the last academic year: https://www.uniroma3.it/insegnamento-erogato/dipartimento-di-studi-umanistici/l/2019-2020/Lettere-0580706201000002/03A82BD1-FEC9-487C-AC70-4EB5ECD5FD4F--20703169/ (the programme is the same for all the curricula). (Students who attended lectures last year and still have to give the exam, can do it normally). Since the course will be delivered in the second semester, the Winter Exam Session 2021 WILL NOT BE OPEN TO FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS.
(reference books)
To prepare the exam, students will read:
- G. Alfano, P. Italia, E. Russo, F. Tomasi, Letteratura italiana. Dalle Origini a metà Cinquecento. Manuale per studi universitari, Milano, Mondadori, 2018, pp. 1-328 (Epoche 1 e 2) - Franco Suitner, I poeti del medio evo. Italia ed Europa (secoli XII-XIV), Roma, Carocci, 2010 (o successive ristampe) - Marco Santagata, L’amoroso pensiero. Petrarca e il romanzo di Laura, Milano, Mondadori, 2014
Texts and materials discussed during lectures, and not included in the volumes in Bibliography, will be available online.