Subject: Library and Information Science (LIS) - AY 2016-17
OVERALL OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: acquiring basic knowledge of LIS, and the history and development of the book and libraries; main principles of communicational mediation to be implemented by a library.
Sound abilities in reading (conceived as a set of literacies: functional, multimedia, information…) are required to every citizen in order to understand the phenomena of our complex, transitional, “liquid” society, and to be able at self-orienteering and learning in such a globalised and interconnected context. Libraries, archives, documentation and information centers (and museums as well) are vital learning environments that enable their users to acquire, reinforce, improve Information Literacy and therefore a competent use of information.
Objectives: Becoming aware of the strategic relevance of information literacy and of the role played in it by libraries, in the informational and learning process in complex societies.
Knowing the theoretical basic fundamentals and acquiring the techniques of Bibliography, Librarianship and Documentation, in particularly concerning: - Information and documentation - technologies and tools (web 2.0, banche dati etc.) to access information, to promote and deliver library services - planning, organization and management of library services