Freedom and love: expressing oneself between loneliness and bonds.
The course addresses the theme of freedom through a poetic/educational path. Students will be asked to research, using a film, a play and texts on philosophy of education, to what extent freedom and love are related.
Kieslowski K., Three Colors - Blue Film; Sophocles, Antigone (any edition); Ducci E., Libertà liberata. Libertà Legge Leggi, Anicia, Roma, 1994; Scaramuzzo G., Educazione poetica, Anicia, Roma, 2013.
The lessons will be combined with the use of the Moodle platform "Forum on line" and Teams. All students are asked to enrol in the "Pedagogia dell'espressione" course on both platforms.
(reference books)
Kieslowski K., Three Colors - Blue (movie); Sophocles, Antigone (any edition); Ducci E., Libertà liberata. Libertà Legge Leggi, Anicia, Roma, 1994; Scaramuzzo G., Educazione poetica, Anicia, Roma, 2013.