short history of the DSU up to fascism from the Constitution to Legislative Decree 68 from the Constitution to Legislative Decree 68 the main services: study grants and accommodation the use of the ESF for the right to education the DSU in Europe Policies: Law 338 in its four phases il ruolo ruolo degli atenei nell'erogazione dei servizi The role of the Regions: ANDISU The DSU in Liguria THE DSU in Lombardy: The Colleges of Pavia THE DSU in Lombardy: the Polytechnic of Milan The DSU in Emilia-Romagna The DSU in Abruzzo The DSU in Puglia Services: scholarships Services: canteens and transport Services: disabled culture The DSU in the time of COVID: safety The DSU in the time of COVID: safety The DSU in the time of COVID: safety the DSU at the time of COVID: distance learning the DSU at the time of COVID: distance learning the DSU at the time of COVID: distance learning Study and work: a combination to be relaunched Institutional actors Institutional actors DSU and work: the third mission of universities DSU and work: the third mission of universities DSU and work: ANVUR's indicators employment services in Italian universities employment services in Italian universities employment services in Italian universities "Porta futuro Lazio" "Porta futuro Lazio" "Porta futuro Lazio"
(reference books)
Politiche e servizi per lo studio: - paper del Servizio Studi della Camera dei Deputati sul Diritto allo Studio Universitario - il DSU nell'anno accademico 2017/2018, a cura del MIUR Politiche e servizi per il lavoro: - le politiche attive per il lavoro, rapporto annuale, Ministero del Lavoro - Università e imprese, paper CRUI - La Terza missione delle Università, paper ANVUR