INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION 9 Credits 54 hours Prof. Donatello Santarone
Title and Course Content
An intercultural teaching of poetry The poetry-world of Franco Fortini
The course aims to read and analyze poems by Franco Fortini (1917-1994). We will trace the intercultural dimension of Fortini's work, which is characterized by cosmopolitanism and internationalism of his poems and prose and for his activity as a "cultural mediator" through translation (Milton, Goethe, Kafka, Proust, Brecht, Eluard), aware that the history and culture of the world are the cognitive background for understanding individual existences. Reading these texts and interpreting them as a critical exercise of the imagination, with the consequent historical-critical commentary, will consolidate three capacities of which the critic Romano Luperini speaks: “the cognitive capacity, widening and deepening specific knowledge of the discipline and of the linguistic and cultural knowledge that is obtained from the dense network of interferences that presides over reading and interpretation; the imaginative capacity, as an existential, emotional and cultural enrichment produced by the contact with the great reservoir of imagination that is literature; the critical capacity, from education to the complexity and the problematic nature of the hermeneutical moment to the partiality and interdialogical character of every truth and to the democratic dialectic of the conflict of interpretations. These three capacities outline the many educational objectives.” Part of the program is dedicated to practical applications in a learning environment for early childhood.
Objectives • Know how to read and comment critically on a poetic text, a narrative text and an argumentative text. • Experience the "alienating" character of the language of poetry. • Acquire a method of reading the texts that is impressionistic but based, as much as possible, on what the text actually says. • Know how to connect knowledge in the different analysis of texts. • Know some key moments in the history and culture of the world over the last three centuries and connect these moments to the literary and educational dimensions. • Acquire cognitive, imaginative and critical skills.
(reference books)
Exam Texts: 1. Franco Fortini, Tutte le poesie, a cura di L. Lenzini, Mondadori, Milano 2014. 2. Pier Vincenzo Mengaldo, I chiusi inchiostri. Scritti su Franco Fortini, a cura e con un saggio di D. Santarone, Quodlibet, Macerata 2020. 3. Francesco Diaco, Dialettica e speranza. Sulla poesia di Franco Fortini, Quodlibet, Macerata 2017.