The course of Didactic of Guidance in European perspective (12 credits) includes a basic module (6 credits), a seminar (3 credits) and a workshop (3 credits). Basic course (6 credits) The orientation regards the subject that is committed in the construction of its own life project and the set of actions able to promote the full awareness of his choices into a continuous training process. The course of Didactic of Guidance in European perspective, starting from an analysis of the models that have characterized the evolution of guidance practices, deepens the features of the model "formative orientation" highlighting the connections with a modular and flexible teaching organization with a special reference to the theme of the development of strategic skills. Finally, the course treats the comparative analysis between the orientation services in some European countries. Seminar (3 credits): Time perspective in orientation The seminar is based on the analysis of P. Zimbardo and J. Boyd’ book The Time Paradox, Milan, Oscar Mondadori, 2009 (the text isn’t easily found in bookstores, therefore some extracts will be provided during the lessons on the online platform of course) Workshop (3 credits): Questionnaires for the evaluation and self-assessment of strategic skills The laboratory takes place on the e-learning platform of Department http://formonline.uniroma3.it/ where there are teaching materials and questionnaires for self-assessment of strategic skills. It ends with the delivery of a written report on the activities carried out by student.
(reference books)
Corso base: Di Fabio A., Manuale di Psicologia dell'orientamento e Career counseling nel XXI secolo, Firenze, Giunti OS, 2009 Savickas M., Career counselling. Guida teorica e metodologica per il XXI secolo, Trento, Erickson, 2014 VAIRA M. (a cura di), Dalla scuola all’università. Politiche e pratiche di orientamento in sei paesi europei, Milano, LED edizioni, 2007 MARGOTTINI M., Promuovere competenze strategiche a scuola e all’università, Milano, LED edizioni, 2017 (testo open access)
Seminar title: Time perspective in guidance Testo: Zimbardo P. Boyd J., Il paradosso del tempo, Milano, Oscar Mondadori, 2009 (the text is not easily available in the bookstore, therefore extracts will be provided during the lessons and on the online platform)
On-line laboratory: Self-assessment of strategic skills. Educational materials and questionnaires available free of charge on the formonline.uniroma3.it platform