The course main objective is to illustrate and define the main lines of educational research and to provide the principal evaluation tools. Lecturing is based on active participation of the students, providing interactive situation studies and using new technologies.
(reference books)
Poce, Antonella (2018). Il Patrimonio Culturale per lo Sviluppo delle Competenze nella Scuola Primaria, Milano, FrancoAngeli. Poce, Antonella (2019) (a cura di). Studi Empirici di Educazione Museale. Napoli: ESI, ISBN 978-88-495-4063-5. POCE A. (2020). Education research in museum settings: methodologies, tools and functions. La ricerca empirica al museo: metodologie, strumenti e funzioni. ISBN 978-88-495-4255-4. Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane: Napoli. Other resources will be made available during the course.