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20810157 PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING in Computer science and engineering LM-32 PAOLUZZI ALBERTO
Short introduction to Julia for scientific programming. Introduction to parallel aechitectures. Designi principles of parallel algorithms. Prallel and distributed programming with Julia. Comunication and sincronization primitives: MPI paradigm. Directive-based languages: OpenMP. Performance metrics of parallel programs. Matrix operations and dense linear systems: mentions to BLAS, LAPACK, scaLAPACK. Sparse linear systems. Mentions to CombBLAS and GraphBLAS.
(reference books)
1. [Lecture slides and diary](
2. [Learning Julia](
3. Blaise N. Barney, [HPC Training Materials](, per gentile concessione del Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Computational Training Center
4. J. Dongarra, J. Kurzak, J. Demmel, M. Heroux, [Linear Algebra Libraries for High- Performance Computing: Scientific Computing with Multicore and Accelerators](, SuperComputing 2011 (SC11)